2.) Working full time and going to school full time is really hard!
3.) 5hrs of class after 8 hrs of working and a 7 a.m. lecture is brutal!
4.) Lack of sleep leads to strange spy dreams with a talking cat as a sidekick (and no I am not exaggerating, I really did have a dream about being a spy and I had a talking cat sidekick, the really sad part is that I was the only one who could understand him, and yes it was a him.)
5.) I am super talkative to strangers when I am sleep deprived. Not that I don't talk to complete strangers if I am well rested but I am very bubbly, and out going when I am tired. Not sure how that happens.
6.) When you want time to go by slowly, just plan a trip, then time will stop and start going backwards.
7.) I need about a 36 hour day to get everything done that needs to be done, plus be able to sleep.
Among all the things I learned this week, it was an okay week. I love my life, its crazy right now but things are so good. I am so blessed, with wonderful family and friends that make life fun and entertaining.
Quote of the week:
" Isn’t it remarkable to know that our eternal Heavenly Father knows you, hears you, watches over you, and loves you with an infinite love? In fact, His love for you is so great that He has granted you this earthly life as a precious gift of “once upon a time,” complete with your own true story of adventure, trial, and opportunities for greatness, nobility, courage, and love. And, most glorious of all, He offers you a gift beyond price and comprehension. Heavenly Father offers to you the greatest gift of all—eternal life—and the opportunity and infinite blessing of your own “happily ever after.” - Deiter F. Uchtdorf"
I love that quote!