Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 in a nutshell, upcoming 2012

2011 was an up and down year for me. However, it ended on an up so all is well. I was quite the traveler this year, Phoenix twice, Las Vegas about a dozen times (mainly to the airport and never for myself:( but that will be rectified, but I will get to that in a minute), Nauvoo (plus all the states in which I drove through to get there), and Salt Lake numerous time. That may not seem like a big traveler but for me it is, any excuse to get out and see things is an adventure to me.

I am a fan of Phoenix, I have driven through the city of the sun many times on various trips but I have never visited specifically to see the city. I could see myself living there one day. The Mesa Easter Pageant is beautiful, as is the Mesa Temple, just two of the many reasons why living there wouldn't be that bad!

As always Las Vegas is necessary destination. Mainly because of the airport, and that is the main reason why I went there so many times! Once was for a homecoming of a very good friend.

Nauvoo, however, is a favorite destination! Love it! This year I drove out with Laura and most of the kids, it was quite the adventure. It didn't turn out to the vacation that I had anticipated, mainly because I of course helped with the strike of the stage and I must say, I enjoyed it, I was exhausted at the end but it was great to spend all of that time with Dad. I even received one of the greatest compliments ever, one morning at an hour that should never be seen by my eyes, dad woke me up and said "I would let you sleep but I would prefer not to have to train someone else to help me with truck." To some that may seem weird, but coming from my dad, the fact that he thought I was competent enough to take the place of a boy, all I can say is WOW!!

Salt Lake was just the usual trips, to see family, homecomings, weddings and reunions. Great fun though.

Now for my 2012. It is already starting off fantastically! The second day in I purchased a ticket to go to Atlanta, which is my home. I can not even express my excitement for this trip. I haven't been back for almost two years and its starting to physically hurt me. However, now that I have a ticket for a specified time, my hurt is being treated:).

For the first time that I can remember I have also started new years resolutions, however, I prefer to call mine goals as I don't really like the connotation of the word resolution for some reason. Look forward to the update on them, as most of them I can blog about, which will help keep me on track!

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