2.) My family, sure they are crazy, sure we drive each other nuts, and sure we are not perfect but we are a family and I am so grateful for each one of them!
Ellie, the oldest, is well Ellie, she is so good at being the oldest sister it's scary. She is a great mother, there is nothing she wouldn't do for her boys and her siblings!
Troy, there really are no words for Troy, he is a great dad, and a crazy brother-in-law, but I love it!
Taz, the oldest grandbaby, is now almost 15. The last few weeks I have been reflecting back on when he was born, I was 9 years old and so excited to have a nephew, he was such a cute pudgy baby. I have no idea what happened to that sweet adorable little baby, he is now a teenager and he doesn't let anyone forget it! But I get my giggles, it's sweet payback from his mother!
Coy, he is a doll! Every time he sees me, he gives me a big hug and tells me he loves me! Being born deaf hasn't given him an excuse to give up in life. He does well in school, and everyone loves him. He is a toe head! My first memory of him is when he and his mother were still in the hospital after he was born, a nurse came in and wanted to see the two brothers who 'one had black hair and one had almost white hair'. Taz was born with thick black hair, while Coy was born with the prettiest blond hair!
Deklyn, still such a sweetheart! He wasn't well liked by Coy when he was born. Luckily, Coy out grew it and they are good buddies now. He is quite the little sportsman, he loves baseball, and all other sports. He is very good at whatever he plays.
Devin, basically Deklyn's carbon copy. They were born looking like twins, they have matured looking like twins and I am sure they will grow old looking like twins. He gives me hugs every time I see him. He is such a little guy that even at 5 years old I can still pick him up. Although he did say to me a few weeks ago that 'I'm 5 now, so I am heavy now!'. Of course i couldn't break his heart and tell him that He wasn't really.
John, being the oldest boy has a sense of protection for everyone. Even though he shows it in a funny way, I know that he is more than willing to 'take care' of someone if they have the nerve to hurt me in any way. He may be the most crazy of us, but I still love him.
Shirley, her and John have been married most of my life, I don't have any real memories without her in them. However, my first memory of Shirley is the first time I ever met her (naturally, but hear me out and you will understand), I came running down our stairs and through the living room when I looked over toward the couch and all I saw was this big bu-font black orb against a white painting we had hanging on the wall, as I stopped and took a closer look I realized that the orb was not just floating there, it was attached to someone and it was someones hair, that someone was Shirley. I knew from that point that I was going to like her and that we would become good friends, and I was right.
Austin, the oldest of the crazies, is almost identical to his father. And by almost I mean he is identical. It is scary but he is going to be a wonderful man one day!
Emilee, the first girl, and believe me, she took full advantage of that! She is so sweet and yet stubborn! She may not realize how much she has her parents wrapped around her little finger but she does, I just pray that I will be able to convince her to get the 2005 Mustang fully loaded when she asks for a car, mainly so that I can live vicariously through her!
Dalton also know as Lemmie D. Mainly by my grandparents, who claim he looks like his father and grandfather. Who both hold the name Lemuel. Technically his name is Lemuel Dalton. He is so sweet, yet stubborn. He has the most precious smile, and just like the other kiddos he has long dark eyelashes framing big brown eyes! I am not his favorite, pretty much because I don't work on big equipment or take him on the horses, but we have our moments.
Cole, the littlest of the crazies, is something else. He too looks just like his father, and is almost as stubborn! I don't know if the pattern is noticeable but pretty much all of John and Shirley's kids are sweet but harshly stubborn! Cole never lets me hold him or give him kisses, I am hoping he outgrows this phase quickly. He like the others has big brown eyes and long thick eyelashes however, he is the only one that held onto a little of the Leavitt blue eyes, he has about a quarter of his right eye that is blue. It is so adorable!
Mollie, not only do I live with her she is pretty much my best friend. She has no idea how much she does for me and how much I love living with her. She is funny, makes me want to be a better person, and is a rock that I need!
Micheal, he is hilarious! He is the middle child and it shows. Very spoiled but doesn't even know it!
Leticia, she is newest addition to our family. She is a sweetheart and makes Mike so happy!
Dusty, the comedian. He makes everyone laugh including me. One of my favorite things about him is his laugh. Every time he laughs my heart laughs, he just has that type of laugh!
Bladen, the most stubborn kid I think I have ever met! However, he is a sweetheart at the same time. Also a carbon copy of his father! He is already a little prankster and comedian!
Oaklee, a sweet, crazy, wild, stubborn, and beautiful little lady. She is all girl! When I
Alayne, the oldest of my adopted siblings. She is amazing. I am continually amazed at how wonderful and dedicated she is in everything. If I can be a quarter of the person she is one day, I will be a happy person.
Ellery, possibly the sweetest baby I have ever met. I love this little lady! Her smile, her big blue eyes and her sweet disposition. The simple fact that she choose me over her grandpa makes my heart smile! I am never chosen over grandpa! This little lady is dear to heart!
Richard, moms baby. And he shows it! He is a sweetheart, but doesn't like people to know it! He is also a comedian and a jokester!
Braedon, my brother from another mother! Haha I crack myself up sometimes! But seriously, he is fantastic, not only are we brother and sister, but we share the same love for the south. Having served in the same wonderful state of Georgia I feel like we share a connection that will always be there!
Jennings, the one that I can't even begin to describe! He is amazing! He is on a mission in Mexico and his love and enthusiasm makes me so happy! He is an amazing missionary!
Kimball, well he's Kimball. He provides so much entertainment its almost addicting!
Alyssa, as some would say, she is blond to the roots! However, I can't imagine life without her. I pretty much could feel a book with all the quotes she has given me! She is all girl through and through, her two older sister don't help, being shopper addicts!
Cherileigh, almost the exact opposite of Alyssa even though they are twins, well not about being blond to the roots, they are both like that! The biggest difference between the two is that while Alyssa is sweet and gentle, Cherileigh not so much. But again, I can't even imagine life without her!
Devon, sweet, smart, charming, stubborn little man. He will do anything for anyone and not bat an eye.
Caleb, the baby, and he knows it! However, he is a sweetheart. I get a hug every time I come home and that makes me feel so special! I could also fill a book with everything funny he has done!
Laura, my second mother. Not many people are so blessed to have two wonderful mothers in their lives. I didn't choose to have a second mother but I am so glad that I got the one I did. Ever since coming into my life she has loved me and given me the physical things that my mother cannot. I am so unbelievably blessed!
Linda, my mother. I am so blessed to have the biological mother that I do. I am told several times a week that I am her carbon copy. Which considering how beautiful she is, I am completely okay with that! I am so blessed to have her.
Dad. I am so lucky to have him. He drives me crazy! But he is a rock, I have never wanted for anything in my life and it is because of his will, his determination, and his pure greatness that I am so blessed. From the testimonies of others I have learned recently that I was my dad's little buddy. I went everywhere with him, did almost everything with him. Sadly, I got older, and my life changed!
3.) The ability to take spontaneous trips to Vegas with my bestie Beth. We had a great time and I have needed something to break up the monotony of life!
4.) The opportunity to see old friends that make my life full!
5.) Pretty much everything in my life! I am too blessed to be stressed!
you're awesome!