Thursday, December 1, 2011

The first Christmas memory!

Mom loved to do the crazy things for Christmas. Somehow she convinced us kids to be okay with a dwarf tree. Then to top it off, she insisted on painting it white. Her reasoning: “if we have a smaller tree then I won’t get as many presents, and the white paint will help the decorations stand out better”. Well the first one failed, mom had this fear that if she didn't spend the exact same amount on each of us, then we would resent her for it. Not sure where that come from but I remember her getting frustrated one day because she had spent more on a present then she thought so she had to come up with some other presents to even it out among us all. So by the time Christmas came you could hardly see the little tree. What was even funnier was that the tree was placed near the TV, and there was time that we had lost the remote and we had to do this circus act to even turn on the TV because of the presents. Her second point was good until the tree got covered. Mom loved to make the ornaments, and this year she made little mini cowboy ropes. They were so cute! She put little green and burgundy bows on them, so yes the white did make them stand out more, at least until they got covered with the entire Christmas lists of all seven plus a couple of in-law children! And many of you know my father and my wonder how he would have allowed such gluttony with presents. Well that my friends is my next story!

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