Yes, we should celebrate mothers more than just one day a year, but the fact that we have one day set aside to spoil the woman who have given so much is evidence that satan isn't winning.
There are very few things in this world as precious as mothers. While I have yet to become a mother myself I have had the privilege of having two wonderful woman to call mom. One was there for me when I took my first step, learned to talk, went to school, was baptized, and went through the difficult early teenage years. She was taken from me far too quickly. I only had 17 short years with her but the lessons she taught me in that brief time will always be with me. There is no better teacher in this world than my mom. As I have grown up I have noticed that there are only certain ways that I will do things. Is there a reason for this? None aside from the fact that that is how my mom did it. Even though I have one of the best stepmothers in the world there is not a day that goes by that I don't wish I still had my mother on this earth. She knows me better that I am sure I know myself and she would be able to give me the advice I need to navigate this time in my life. Of course she would most likely tell me to woman up and just plow through. With love.
As I have become an adult (strictly by age, mentally, well that's yet to be determined) I have realized just how spoiled I am. I am not talking about worldly ways. I am spoiled because I grew up with a mother who loved me. She loved me enough to teach me the Gospel, to take responsibility for my actions, to always better myself. She loved me enough to teach me how to take care of myself, to become a contributing member of society, and to always look for ways to serve others. She also loved me so much that she did whatever she could to protect me from the evils of the world. I had a safe home, our home was a sanctuary from the world. As I have grown older I have come to know that having a home such as this is actually rare.
Don't get me wrong, my mother wasn't perfect, she had her faults, as we all do. Her faults are part of the reason she is so amazing. However, no one could ever say that one of my mother's faults was her lack of effort in trying to be the best mother she possibly could be.
In the ever increasing attack on mothers I had the wonderful example of a mother who took her divine power as a mother seriously and who took President Ezra Taft Benson's words to heart "in the eternal perspective, children -- not possessions, not position, not prestige -- are our greatest jewels." Her seven children were her greatest treasure. This was evidence by the fact she always put our needs and wishes above her own.
I miss her everyday. People claim that it gets easier but it doesn't. Some days the pain of missing her is to the point of being overwhelming, but my knowledge of the gospel keeps me going. I know that because my parents were sealed in the temple I am part of an eternal family that will only be broken by my refusal to live according to God's commandments.
I am truly lucky to have been the daughter of this wonderful woman.
Laura may not be my biological mother but she is the mother that gets to be the one that physically celebrates all of life's ups and downs with me. I couldn't have asked for someone better even if my mother had hand picked her to do what she couldn't do. Without even trying, Laura has become the person whom I trust to help guide me through life because I know that she wants me to succeed in everything that I do.
Even though Mother's Day is one of the hardest day's for me it is also a great day to reflect. While I think about my mom all year round, I revel in the fact that Mothers day gives me an excuse to talk nonstop about my mom(s). No one is as lucky as me. I have the honor of being watched over by my mother that's in heaven and my mom that is on earth. I only hope I don't give them too much to worry about.